Wednesday, April 3, 2013 # 11:07 AM
Buckets and Buckets
The other day, our local Seattle radio station announced that there might be a chance that Seattle will host the 2024 Olympics. At first I thought, 'Cool. That would be pretty exciting'. Then, I had the realization that I would be about 70 years old in 2024. Given my age, genetics, and family history, there was a real chance I might not be in Seattle or indeed on the planet in 2024. It was one of the first times that my mortality really struck me between the eyes. I mean, we all theoretically realize that we might drop dead at any minute by natural or unnatural causes, but it was the first time that I considered that I might really be gone in a foreseeable moment in the future.
My husband, being of about the same age, has begun talking about his 'bucket list'. You know the phrase made popular by the film that denotes all the things you want to do before you die.
I've jokingly toyed with the idea of making one, but my epiphany the other day made me really think about it. I've always wanted to travel. I love volcanoes so my husband and I joked about making a retirement volcano tour -which might actually hasten my 'unnatural death' if I'm at the wrong volcano at the wrong time. I've always wanted to see Japan, New Zealand, Sicily and Italy, Iceland. Not just volcanoes, however. I want to visit China, Germany, St. Petersburg in Russia, Greece, Spain, and so many places with amazing art and architecture. Chile, Bolivia, Kenya, Australia, Tahiti - places with history and phenomenal natural beauty. Travel, I suppose, is a bucket list staple for normal people.
Hugh Jackman |
But as an actor, singer, and writer I also have my nerdy artistic bucket list. I would like to see some of my plays published and enjoyed by more people (which might help with travel expenses -see volcano tour above). But after seeing Hugh Jackman in a production of "Oklahoma" I've always wanted to dance a waltz with him. That makes my bucket list. Having him place his arm around my ample waist and guide me around the dance floor would be magical.
I also love to sing jazz and popular music and the way Hugh Laurie plays jazz is amazing and fun. His playing is so smooth and easy on the ear. So, also on my bucket list is singing an old standard song accompanied by Hugh Laurie (aka House) on the keyboard.
Last nerdy artistic bucket list item involves an actor I first saw in the films, "Bright Young Things" and "Starter for Ten". By "Atonement" and "Becoming Jane" I was a fan of James McAvoy. So my last 'artsy' bucket list item is to sit or stand opposite him and read a scene from a play or film.
James McAvoy |
No, I'm not totally crazy or obsessed - I'd want to play his mother, or his crazy aunt, or the cleaning lady. I just love his energy and would like to play a scene with him. He's got such great focus and commitment to the emotion in every moment. It would be a privilege to be in that bubble for ten minutes or so.
Anyway, those are my fantasies. What is on your bucket list? Hopefully, your demise is not as looming as mine, but it's always good to set goals and have dreams even ones that are pretty sure to remain only dreams.
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