Wednesday, March 28, 2012 # 10:27 AM
The Little Book that Could
The Little Book That Could
While I've been busy working on writing and producing scripts for different theatre productions these past couple months, the first chapter of my novel that I posted on quietly went past the 300 reads mark. I was surprised and pleased that people were still taking a peek and enjoying the story I posted there. So without any fanfare or promotion, it was still gaining a small but interested group of readers.
I have two new plays that I am commissioned to write over the next couple months and four produced plays I need to review and edit before I send them out into the world, so it may be a while. But I am still intending to make sure this first novel in the series isn't left there alone. It's proved that people are interested in the story, so I will start work on the next book in the series in May or June. For all the readers who have shown and continued to show interest in the story, I can't leave them hanging halfway through the adventure.
If you'd like to read a free sample of one of the chapters of "The Patch of Red Velvet" it is still available to access at The Patch of Red Velvet on Also, the book is available through and barnes and noble ( book series, books self publishing fiction writing travelers' society, free sample, writing
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