Monday, February 6, 2012 # 9:25 AM
the Answer to your Cabin Fever
For all of you who have been settled under a warm blanket looking out on a winter landscape these past couple months, I'd like to help. I'd like to give you a copy of my book to keep you company and offer a distraction from all that cold rain and snow. For the first 10 people to email me with the correct answer to my question, I will send a copy of my historical adventure, "The Patch of Red Velvet".
To find the answer, visit and read one of the sample chapters posted on Then email me and tell me the name of the woman who wrote romance novels and previously owned the leather chest that contained the stone.
You can email me at:
Please, include your answer, your name, and your mailing address in the email. The first ten people who answer correctly will be mailed an autographed copy of the book.
Watch this blog for a listing of the winners. The contest ends on February 28th, so don't hesitate if you would like to win. Labels: cats vote contest, free book, free sample, novel fiction history teens adventure ethics, reading, the patch of red velvet, win
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