Friday, September 30, 2011 # 9:18 AM
Self publishing for Dummies (namely me)
"The Patch of Red Velvet" is edited, and once again available to download electronically on
Amazon. com.
OK. It's easier than trying to find a publisher and/ or agent; and in all fairness, Amazon
(and its various methods of getting one's book out there) tries to make it as simple as possible.
That said, actually getting your book ready for electronic sale or getting your book
set up for selling hard copies is not easy. It is as tedious and frustrating to a writer as the editing process. I am very grateful to have my computer savvy husband to help walk me through the electronic publication process and am grateful for all those years I spent doing book layouts at Creative Graphics so I am able to understand the process of getting the hard copy ready for distribution. Yay! Once again, all that money on college was not wasted.
Labels: books self publishing fiction writing travelers' society
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