Sunday, September 11, 2011 # 10:19 AM
History is full of simply great stories
I've always loved history. Probably because, for me, history is not just a bunch of dates and facts. Instead it has always been the best source for adventure stories, mysteries, and romance. This amazing collection of tens of thousands of captivating stories was inspiration for writing The Travelers' Society series. I wanted to to witness the characters and events of the past with the eyes and perceptions of young people from the present. The first book in the series, "The Patch of Red Velvet", takes the three travelers back to England during the reign of Henry VI. Even for many Brits, this period in time is not all that familiar, but it contains a tantalizing mystery worthy of one of the best storytellers of all time, William Shakespeare. The subject of the painting above is Margaret of Anjou,, the wife of Henry VI. Margaret is one of the mysterious and essential characters in "The Patch of Red Velvet". Renowned for her beauty and intelligence, her delicate features hid her brutal determination and inner strength.
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