P.L. Haines-Ainsworth is an artist working in a variety of media - graphic design and visual arts, theatre, and writing. She enjoys creating plays and stories for children and young adults. For the past 12 years Pat has been a co-producer and writer for a touring theater company Last Leaf Productions. Her original plays have been seen on stages around the state of Washington.
The Traveler's Society is her first venture into self-publishing a novel series. Between her research and other ventures, the first book; The Patch of Red Velvet took her eight years to write but she already has two more books in the series planned. The Patch of Red Velvet is now available to download or in paperback through Amazon.com. You can also order a copy through winkingkatbooks@gmail.com.



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Doing a bad thing to prevent a bad thing History is full of simply great stories volume 2 begins Up and Running First Book Now On Amazon Kindle! About the Author The Patch of Red Velvet - Sample Chapters


Friday, September 16, 2011 # 10:57 PM
Vote on the your favorite to represent WinkingKat

I've decided it's too difficult for me to pick one of our three
lovely and faithful cats to represent WinkingKat, so
I thought I'd put it out there and ask for some help.

Our orange tabby, Amber, has been part of our family
for almost fourteen years.  She's the matriarch of the
group.  Though she was once an amazing mouser (and
also liked to bring home garter snakes and lizards) she's
decided to enjoy a well-deserved retirement.  She
sleeps mostly on the bed in the master bedroom unless she
decides to sunbathe on the deck.

 Lola is our newest cat.  She has only lived here for
a few months after leaving the Humane Society, but
she has made her presence known.  She likes laps,
wads of paper containing poorly written passages
of the book that I crumble and toss on the floor, and
stalking the other cats.  She has, on occasion posted
Facebook updates by rolling on the computer keyboard when I've been looking at my site.  I'm sure she'd be a good communicator.

Maverick is the Diva of the household (note the capital 'D'). She wandered into our yard about six years ago and made herself at home.  She is an excellent mouser and has learned to open our front door.  This means when she decides she doesn't wish to eat al fresco, she will bring her latest meal inside the house unless we remember to lock the door.  She is obviously very clever and will carry on a spirited conversation when engaged which is not very often.

Winking Kat needs an official mascot, so vote for the choice that you think best represents the fun and literary air of WinkingKat,
Amber, Lola, or Maverick? 




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